
You’ve now had time to work on your New Year’s resolutions, but what about your follow-up and follow-through? Have you taken the time to inspect what you expect? A simple follow-up is often not as simple as it seems. When setting goals, it is also important to follow up andRead More →

Sensing Hands (Pushing Hands) teaches a Tai Chi student how to use Tai Chi for protection. If you’re unfamiliar with Tai Chi, it is a slow-motion – low impact exercise and self-defense system. The words Tai Chi Chuan mean Grand Ultimate Fist. The Chinese consider Tai Chi the best methodRead More →

Today’s Eagle Claw descends directly from three systems of Northern Kung Fu. The first was Chin’na (joint locking), developed by the famous General Yueh Fei (1103 – 41) of the Sung Dynasty. Although General Yueh Fei was not a product of the Shaolin Temple, he was extensively trained by theRead More →

The first school of thought says that stretching is not essential. People who advocate this position usually cite as evidence that in any encounter where you will be forced to defend yourself, you will not have time to warm up or stretch. You will have to go in cold orRead More →

I’ve noticed this same general feeling with many kung fu students. The basic assumption is that their style of kung fu does not teach defense against street fights (basic jabs and hook-type punching), which stems from the misunderstanding of the protection philosophy. We teach self-defense against various attacks, including leftRead More →